The European Public Health Week, organized by the European Public Health Association (EUPHA), will take place from 17 to 21 May 2021 and the Global Health Next Generation Network (GHNGN) is participating in the event by organizing a fair dedicated to One Health projects on 20 May 2021.
Here you have the different events we will be hosting during the week.
We will talk about what is science communication and things you should know before doing science communication in Global Health. We will also put scicomm in common with policy makers, and talk about the infodemic we are experiencing due to the pandemic: how can we navigate this wave of information to decide who and what to trust? This an much more on the first day of the EUPH week!
Science Communication 101
How can you flatten the infodemic curve?
Mental health and burnout Q&A
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our working dynamics and therefore, the way we cope with work-related concerns mentally. Consequently, the GHNGN together with the EUPHA are organising a Mental Health and Burnout Questions & Answers session in order to be able to respond to some of these doubts in regards to the impact of burnout in our mental health.
You can now submit your questions here.
Info to connect:
“Topic: GHNGN | Mental Health & Burnout Q&A”
Time: May 18, 2021 05:00 PM Dublin (6pm CEST)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 856 5706 1435
Passcode: GHNGNinMH
Health in the community podcast
We’ll hear about Health in the Community from an expert from the field.
Dr. Preeti Shakya will be presenting the project she founded called “In Her Hands”, which aims to destigmatize menstruation and encourage conversation in Nepal!
Join us at 5pm CEST and listen to this amazing project! We will also have a live chat in case you have more questions!
Wed, May 19, 2021 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM (CEST)Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (872) 240-3212Access Code:399-583-029
One Health video fair
On this day we will publish the videos you sent us about your One Health projects. They will be available on our website, our youtube channel and our social media platforms.
From Thursday you will be able to watch the videos here.
Youth activism and UHC webinar
On this webinar we will have a panel discussion with experts talking about the role of young professionals in achieving health for all, both from a local and a global perspective, and in an intersectional, equal and inclusive way.
You can register to the webinar here.
Camila Picchio: She is a Public Health researcher and a PhD candidate at ISGlobal.
Mohamed Mamdouh Eissa: IFMSA World Health Assambly UHC Coordinator and IFMSA Standing Committe on Public Health Capacty Building Development Asssistant.
Fatime Arenliu QosaJ: Consultant for the Ministry of Health of Kosovo
Blanca Paniello: GHNGN Partnerships Coordinator. (Moderator)