The Global Health calendar, or GH calendar, is a tool that will centralize information about events occurring worldwide related to Global Health, so you can easily access them and you don’t miss anything! The events will be published by us, but you can contribute in filling the calendar with GH events of your interest. We want this tool to be easily accessible, practical, updated and collaborative.

It is important to note that we do not organize the events found in this calendar. The ones organized by the Global Health Next Generation Network are found in Events.

This means that we cannot ensure that this events will happen, and we do not take responsibility if they are cancelled. We also want to make clear that we are not receiving any gains from promoting these events.


You can contribute to the GH calendar by sending us events you find interesting in the form found below, as long as they are within the scope of Global Health. We’ll review them and publish them on the calendar.

At the same time, you can also add comments giving your opinion of past events you have attended, either if you knew about them thanks to our tool or not. You will find the comments form soon in this page.

May 21, 2021

European Public Health Week: Leaving no one behind

European Public Health Week: Leaving no one behind

All day
May 21, 2021

Title: European Public Health Week: Leaving no one behind

Organizers: European Public Health Association (EUPHA)

Description: The pandemic has had a devastating impact on the most disadvantaged groups, increasing health inequalities. How can public health responses protect the most vulnerable?
Check all the events taking place on this day HERE.

Language: Many 

Registration: Free/ check if registration is needed for each event


More information

EUPHW: Youth activism and UHC webinar

EUPHW: Youth activism and UHC webinar

May 21, 2021

Title: Youth activism and UHC: What’s the role of young professionals in achieving health for all? From the local to the global perspective.

Organizers: Global Health Next Generation Network

Description: On this webinar we will have a panel discussion with experts talking about the role of young professionals in achieving health for all, both from a local and a global perspective, and in an intersectional, equal and inclusive way. 

Language: ENG

Registration: Free/ Need to previous register HERE 


More information

Want to suggest events? Tell us!

Want to share your organizations’ events? Send us the information and we’ll publish them on the calendar!

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