COVID-19: What about my asthma?

Health authorities include those with asthma among the list of groups most vulnerable to developing severe illness.  According to the World Health Organization (WHO), asthma is a chronic inflammatory condition characterized by recurrent attacks of dyspnea and wheezing, which may vary in severity and frequency from person to person. The bronchioles narrow due to inflammation and more mucus is secreted, leading to shortness of breath. Around 339 million people are living with asthma globally. There Read more…

Achieving FP2020 in Nigeria: the need to make more contraceptive options easily accessible by young people

By Nnamdi Eseme In Nigeria many young people do not fully understand the meaning of family planning, options available and how to go about it. This is evidenced in the high rate of unsafe abortions among girls and women, maternal deaths and alarming increase in population. Despite huge efforts made to increase contraceptive usage and educating women of reproductive age about family planning, little has been achieved in ensuring that proper contraception is used.  In Read more…

“What we learned from the World Health Summit 2015”

By Carmen D. Mejía Velázquez This year the World Health Summit (WHS) was held in the heart of the city of Berlin, Germany.  More than 1,500 participants from 90 different countries took part in this forum where different ideas and concepts were exchanged and presented. Among the participants, decision-makers and representatives from health fields and industries were invited to address the most relevant health issues that medicine and health care systems are facing nowadays. The Read more…

Routledge Handbook in Global Public Health, edited by Richard Parker and Marni Sommer (2011)

By Ana Antunes When gathering ideas for this book review section, I asked myself a very simple question – If I had to choose only one book to fulfil the Global Health section of my Faculty’s library (or my own personal shelf in a wretched alternate universe) – what would it be? The answer came straight to mind, possibly because this was the book that I reached more often whenever working on essays or simply Read more…

“Doctor WHO”

By Camila González Beiras. I have been a Hoovian (a.k.a a Doctor WHO fan) for many years now. The Doctor’s way of seeing the world has shaped my mind and inspired me for years, but it hasn’t been until recently that I have started to see the doctor as some sort of inter-galactic Global Health professional…